How Will I Know When I Am Anointed?

by Pastor Dag Heward-MIlls

People often ask, “How will I know when I am anointed?” I think there are several biblical pointers that can help answer that question.

Eight Ways by Which You Can Know that You Are Anointed

1. When you begin to do certain things that your mentor/father does, it is a sign you carry his anointing.

Elisha did many of the same kind of miracles that Elijah did. He actually did twice as many miracles because he had a double portion of his anointing.

One day, I realized I was writing books that were similar in direction and content to those of someone I had been following for years. This, to me, was a sign that I was carrying a certain anointing.

2. When people make particular comments about your preaching.

Almost every preacher has people commending him after he ministers. That is not what I am talking about and that is certainly not a sign that you are anointed.

However, there are certain remarks and comments that are made about anointed preaching. I always notice when those kind of remarks are made about people I know. To me, it is a sign that the anointing has began to seep into their ministries. Notice how these unusual remarks were made about Jesus’ preaching ministry.

And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were ASTONISHED AT HIS DOCTRINE:

Matthew 7:28

And when the sabbath day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue: and MANY HEARING HIM WERE ASTONISHED, saying, From whence hath this man these things? and what wisdom is this which is given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands?

Mark 6:2

And the scribes and chief priests heard it, and sought how they might destroy him: for they feared him, because ALL THE PEOPLE WAS ASTONISHED AT HIS DOCTRINE.

Mark 11:18


Luke 2:47

And they were ASTONISHED at his doctrine: for HIS WORD WAS WITH POWER.

Luke 4:32

3. Healing is a sign that you are anointed.

You can raise your voice when preaching to stir up the congregation. You can also crack many jokes to make people happy with your sermons. All sorts of human tricks can be used to enhance preaching. However, you cannot conjure up genuine miracles. People are either healed or they are not. Healing is definitely a sign of the presence of the anointing.

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

Acts 10:38

4. Ministering to poor people is a sign of the anointing.

One sign of an anointed person is that he ministers to poor people. Most people minister in easily accessible cities and to people who can pay for good preaching.

However, preaching to the poor for whom the Gospel is ordained is a different matter. Most of us are guided by financial restraints and the absence of danger. Ministers know how good it feels to receive a fat honorarium and they love to go back to appreciative and rich congregations over and over again.

It takes a really anointed person to be guided by the Holy Spirit to minister amongst the poor.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor…

Luke 4:18

5. Evangelism is a sign of the anointing.

Jesus specifically said that the sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit (the anointing) would be power to witness and evangelize.

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth

Acts 1:8

The absence of evangelism in many churches and ministries is a sign of the lack of the Holy Spirit (the anointing). The money-loving spirit of the world has replaced the Holy Spirit in the church!

6. Missions to the ends of the world is a sign of the anointing (the Holy Spirit).

The uttermost parts of the earth will hear the Gospel when the Holy Spirit comes. You will notice how the Holy Spirit (the anointing) drives the church to the ends of the world with the Gospel. The failure of the church to move out of its comfort zone into the remote corners of this world is surely a sign of the absence of the anointing (the Holy Spirit).

7. Travelling to minister is a sign of the anointing.

The Bible says that Jesus went about doing good and healing people. He did not stay in one place. He travelled to where the souls were. He went to many towns and villages doing the work of God. He did all these because He was anointed to travel and to bring deliverance and salvation to many.

8. Various good works are a sign of the anointing.

There are many non-specific good works that emanate from the anointing. The Bible teaches how Jesus went about DOING GOOD and healing all that were oppressed of the devil (Acts 10:38).

The anointing is the Holy Spirit, who is God. You cannot limit Him to doing particular things. Many people do different things because the anointing is on their lives.

The anointing can make you like someone (Mark 1:18).

The anointing can make you desire certain things (Philippians 2:13; 1 Timothy 2:1).

The anointing can make you lose interest in earthly things (Colossians 3:1-2).

The anointing can make you a helper (Exodus 31:2-5).

The anointing can make you a builder (Exodus 31:2-5).

The anointing can make you have wisdom (Isaiah 11:1).

The anointing gives you various abilities for various things (Exodus 31:3).

by Dag Heward-Mills