“He That Hath” and “He That Hath Not” Is It True?

by Pastor Dag Heward-MIlls

For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath.

Mark 4:25

It must be true even though it is a strange sounding Scripture! What an unfair sounding Scripture! Why should those who have money be the ones to get even more money? Why should those who have little be the ones to lose even what they have? Why is it that in real life, it is those who have, who get even more? Why is it that things are the exact opposite of what we expect?

Even though this Scripture sounds unfair, it is true for two reasons. It is true because Jesus said it. Heaven and earth will pass away but His words will not pass away (Matthew 24:35). The words of Jesus are the most powerful words ever spoken

The second reason why this Scripture is true is because we see it all around us. Everybody wants more but not everyone gets more. So who really gets more?

All of us expect that those who do not have much should be brought up to par. We want everybody to at least have the basics. Yet, both life and history show us that “he that hath” is the one who gets more of everything. Just look around you and see that those who do not have much are losing even the little that they have! We can all see that the words of Jesus are true.

This book is all about this strange sounding Scripture. You will discover that this strange sounding Scripture applies to both physical and spiritual things. Let us look at what “he that hath” means.

“He That Hath” Physical Things

1. “He that hath” money, houses and cars shall have more money, more houses and more cars.

Rich people (“he that hath”) get richer and never seem to lack anything whilst the poor get poorer every day.
Africa, the poorest continent in the world is the only part of the world that has consistently become poorer over the last thirty years. America and Europe, which are already rich, have become wealthier and increased their gold reserves, their fortunes and their properties. Africa on the other hand, which needs more infrastructure, has destroyed its little infrastructure through civil wars and tribal conflicts.

It is clear that a person who has built a house is more likely to build more houses. A person who has not built a house is less likely to build a house in the future. A person who does not have a house is more likely to lose his present accommodation. A person who has not built a house is more likely to be ejected by his landlord.

People who have cars are more likely to own more cars in the future. Poor people who do not own cars but are always riding in buses and taxis are more likely to be riding in buses and taxis in the years to come.

2. “He that hath” a job shall have even more job offers.

The one who has a job is more likely to get more jobs. If you are a chef at the Golden Tulip Hotel you are likely to be approached by the new Sheraton Hotel to be its chef. Unfortunately, the person who has just finished a chef’s course at the local catering school is less likely to be offered the job at the new Sheraton Hotel. “He that hath” a job is more likely to have another job. A person working as a Treasurer of a bank is more likely to be approached by another bank with an offer of an even better job. Sadly, a person who has earned two degrees at the university is less likely to be approached by the bank. This person will have to diligently seek for a job and be turned away many times.

3. “He that hath” a child shall have even more children.

People who have children more easily give birth to the next child. It is common to find existing mothers being unhappy because they have become pregnant. Such people already have a number of children. Sadly, those who don’t have any children at all struggle to have even one. It is a sad paradox but it is a reality in our world.

4. “He that hath” political power shall have more political power.

Families that have political power are more likely to have more political power. You may ask, “Why should the Bush family have two American presidents?” “Why should the Kennedy family have two presidents?”
You may want some other family to have some famous politicians or presidents coming out of them. But it is more likely that there will be more presidents coming out of the already famous family.

“He that hath” education shall have more education.

It is more likely that a family of lawyers and doctors will give birth to more lawyers and doctors. It is unlikely that a family of illiterates and villagers will give birth to people who will become lawyers, doctors and scientists.
So, the Scripture is fulfilled again. He that has educated people in his family gets even more educated people in his family. He that does not have educated people in his family seems to lose even that which he has.

6. “He that hath” friends in high places shall have even more friends.

Someone who knows important people is likely to know even more important people as the years go by. A villager or an impoverished illiterate who does not know any engineer, doctor or lawyer is less likely to know an important person by next year. Actually because of his poverty, people are likely to lose interest in him and his friends are likely to become fewer.

7. He that is famous shall become even more famous.

Someone who is famous is likely to become even more famous if he continues to do the things he is doing. An unknown person in the village is not likely to become famous in the coming year.

“He That Hath” Spiritual Things

1. “He that hath” the knowledge of God is more likely to increase in this knowledge. He is likely to increase in the knowledge and fear of God. Such people who are anointed are likely to become even more anointed in the coming years.

2. The evangelist that has won many souls is likely to win more souls in the coming year. He is likely to have even bigger crusades while the evangelist who has very small crowds is likely to experience diminishing attendance to his small crusades. The young man in the church who has only won one soul in his entire Christian life is not likely to win any souls this year.

3. The pastor that has a big church is likely to have an even bigger church in the coming year. A pastor who has a big church is more likely to have a bigger church. A small church is more likely to become smaller. A small church is
more likely to lose members and to close down than a big church.

4. The anointed servant of God seems to be becoming more gifted and anointed. They seem to reach out further and do more exploits for the Lord. People who are not gifted seem to become even less attractive. They tend to become even more unanointed.

5. Pastors who have church buildings seem to build even more buildings. Those who do not have a home for their churches seem to be threatened with ejection from their rented premises. Church members seem to flock the bigger churches from the smaller churches, depleting the already small size of the small congregations.

6. Churches which have a high income are more likely to have a high income in the coming year. Churches with a low income are likely to lose members and lose income in the coming year.

7. Ministers of the Gospel who have trained many up and coming leaders are likely to train even more. People who have never trained leaders are less likely to ever have a successor.

Why Is It So?

Why is it that Jesus’ statement “whosoever has, to him shall
more be given” is so true?

Why “He That Hath” Will Have More
Those who “have” did certain things that enabled them to come by what they had. Usually those who “have” continue to practise the same principles of increase.

Why “He That Hath Not” Will Lose Even What
He Has

Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.
Matthew 25:28

Those who do not have much do not practise certain principles or follow certain ideals that lead to riches. Usually, those who do not have continue and persist in the bad principles and ideas that have led them to their existing state of poverty. This causes their poverty to deepen and their problems become even more complicated.

A quick glance at African countries and economies will reveal an even more complicated and deep-rooted poverty than existed fifty years ago. If it would have taken a miracle to lift Africa out of its colonial poverty, it will now take a thousand more miracles to lift Africa out of where it is. This is because the difficulties and challenges of Africa have grown, multiplied and developed
into complex problems which have very complex solutions.

A ministry that is struggling deeply in crisis, difficulties and poverty often has problems that go beyond the natural eye. Often, they have deep-seated, complicated and long-standing problems. These problems are often complications of complicated problems.This is why Jesus said: He that has will be given more and he that does have will lose what he even has.

What Must We Do?

What must we do now? We must honestly identify the causes of the inequalities that exist in our world – both spiritually and financially. We must identify the little differences that make the big differences that we see. We must apply ourselves to the lessons that we learn from “he that hath”. There is no quick fix
to going from poverty to riches.

This is not a book on prosperity. There is nothing wrong with books on prosperity. I believe in prosperity. But this is a book that goes further to understand the mystical words of Jesus: “he that hath” to him more shall be given and “he that hath not”, even what he has shall be taken away from him. If you apply the principles of this book you will become “he that hath”.

Amazingly, studies done by secular researchers confirm the truth of Jesus’ words. A closer look at the things which secular people have discovered are very helpful in understanding why “he that hath” receiveth even more and “he that hath not” loses even that which he has.

Jesus’ words are so profound. Even without research, Jesus’ words are the words that explain what has given rise to the “haves” and the “have nots” of this world.

Do not despise the knowledge and wisdom that is revealed in this book. Take it seriously because the Spirit of God is the Spirit of knowledge.

Indeed, there is no wisdom like the wisdom of Jesus and there are no words like His words. Heaven and earth will pass away but you will discover that those who “have” receive even more and those who do not “have” lose even the little that they have.

by Dag Heward-Mills