READ: Micah 4:9-13

Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth” – Micah 4:13

The scripture is full of examples that use brass as a symbol of strength. Brass speaks of a conquering power. God is taking away your weak and phlegmatic nature and giving you hoofs of brass. Through this conquering power, you will plant churches and take territories for Jesus Christ. You will crush all forms of disloyalty in your ministry.

Fearless strength will characterize your decisions. You will move forward in spite of opposition, resistance and accusation. When you walk in the strength of God, you set aside your human weakness. Do not be a weakling! Do not be ruled by the fear of man! Do not be ruled by your wife! Be a strong leader! Without this kind of strength, you will not experience the presence of God in your life and ministry.

Brass, therefore, speaks of an unyielding strength which does not back down. The heavens that refuse to yield rain are called the heavens of brass: Deuteronomy 28:23. No matter the prayers, the pleadings and the hopes of the people, there is simply no rain, no dew and no water. In the presence of God, there is unyielding power, unyielding strength. Refuse to give up or back down on your calling!

Can you be turned back from your calling by your mother or your auntie? Does your wife guide you and lead you? If so, you are nothing but a wimp! Can your wife make you resign from the ministry? If the answer is “Yes,” you do not have hoofs of brass. You must become a heaven of brass, unyielding and never giving up. Stop being double-minded from today!