READ: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him…” – Isaiah 11:2

Being born again means that a spiritual change has taken place. Your spirit has been recreated by the Holy Spirit. This experience of being born again, completely and forever changes a person’s life. It happens when people listen to the preaching of the Word of God.

In the same way that when you are born again, you experience a spiritual transformation, you can also experience a further spiritual transformation that will convert you into a minister. This spiritual transformation that makes you a minister is what some call “receiving an anointing” or “being anointed”. There are too many people who are called ministers, yet they have neither received a call to ministry nor the anointing to minister.

When you have not been anointed, you are dry and lifeless. You do not become a minister by obtaining a certificate. You become a minister when God calls you and anoints you!

Churches do not grow because there is no anointing for church growth. Pastors everywhere must desire the anointing. It is the anointing that makes the difference! Once you know the anointing, you will not want anything else. You will not succeed in the ministry by being clever. Intelligence and education are not substitutes for the anointing! Desire the anointing! Go for it! It is the main thing! And the main thing is still the main thing!