daily devotional2019-11-21T14:36:06+00:00
303, 2025

Daily Devotional: 3rd March “ESCAPE PRIDE!”

READ: Proverbs 16:5

Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.:-1 Timothy 3:6

Being a novice means being new. It means you are a beginner. Lucifer was the first novice who fell into pride. Lucifer was a novice who was condemned because of his pride! Lucifer fell into “the condemnation of the devil”. It is the pride of a novice that causes someone to lift himself up against authorities that have been established for years.

As far as dealing with Almighty God, Lucifer was a beginner. Almighty God is from everlasting to everlasting. Lucifer, on the other hand, was created and appointed. Lucifer was also a created angel! Lucifer vaunted himself against our great eternal Father! It is only a novice who would think of attacking Almighty God. Most novices are deceived and think more highly of themselves than they should. Most novices have a problem of presumption. They do not know who they are in relation to the older and more experienced person. People who attack their superiors often underestimate their experience, wisdom and knowledge.

Lucifer should have had a proper estimate of himself in relation to God. That was the great mistake of Lucifer! How great is our God! How great is His name! Lucifer was new to the world and yet he did not appreciate the greatness of our God who created him and ordained him. He did not appreciate the greatness of God who had existed from everlasting to everlasting.

The Almighty God has existed for all time. He is the Lord God Almighty, the everlasting Lord. God is not someone newly appointed or newly created. There is nothing about God that makes Him new. We are the ones who are making new discoveries every day.

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