READ: Psalm 9:9-10

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” – 2 Timothy 1:7

As a doctor, I know that the medicines that psychiatrists give often only sedate the patient or improve their mood. But there is no real healing for the psychological and emotional problem. God introduces Himself as a healer in the book of Exodus. God can heal you and change you on the inside.

He said, “I am the Lord your doctor, the Lord your healer, the Lord your physician.” Will you receive Him as your doctor and as your physician? He will heal your soul. He is Jehovah Rophe.

Divine healing affects our behaviour. My psychiatry lecturer taught me that most people have some amount of abnormal behaviour. Today, a whole range of words and definitions has been developed in order to adequately describe the varied levels of behavioural dysfunction. Some people are said to be eccentric; this is a polite description of an odd, queer, off-centre, and erratic and strange person.

One of the commonest problems is fear or paranoia. Many fearful people live abnormal lives because of various fears they constantly entertain. Others are depressed to varying degrees at different times. Some people suffer from rage disorders, sexual disorders, personality disorders, delusions, hallucinations, mania, and ultimately schizophrenia, which is full-blown madness.

Divine healing tackles the full range of problems that afflict us. Through the Word of God, we are saved from behavioural patterns that were useless and self-destructive.