READ: 1 Samuel 26:1-25


“…the LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.” – Exodus 14:14

David was not stupid! He knew that for the prophecies concerning his kingship to come to pass, Saul had to die. However, he was not going to be the person to kill Saul. David gave three options about how his dream of  kingship and freedom could come to pass.

First, he said that the Lord would strike Saul down supernaturally. The second possibility was that Saul would eventually die naturally. The third possibility was that the king could be killed in a battle, (1 Samuel 26:10). It is interesting to note that the Lord worked out the plan for David’s kingship through the third option. Saul was indeed killed in a battle.

The point that I am making is that David did not get involved in the implementation of God’s master plan. He left it to God and kept his hands clean! When you get involved and try to help God, you create Ishmaels who rise up to challenge your Isaacs.

Ladies, there is no need to throw yourself at a man for him to notice you. If God wants you to marry that man, it will work out. After four years of marriage, one man told his wife, “You forced yourself on me! I never even had the chance to think about it properly.” Perhaps this man would have found her anyway. But because she forced herself on him, he was wondering whether he made the right decision.

It is time to allow God to work things out Himself. Keep your hands clean!