READ: Genesis 1:12, 21, 25, 27, 31

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” – Genesis 1:26

When the Lord created man, he created something that was like Himself. He said that let us make something that is like us: another of the same kind. There are many similarities between man and God because we are made in His image. God is a Spirit and the Father of spirits. Human beings are also spirits living in bodies.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit make up the Trinity we know. Man as spirit, soul and body also makes up a triune being.

When men walk in their creative and inventive elements they are clearly exhibiting the likeness of God.

It is a good thing to be another of the same kind. Almighty God created things to produce after their kind. The grass produces another of the same kind, the herbs produce another of the same kind, and the whales produce another of the same kind. Even man produces another of the same kind.

The Lord God saw that another of the same kind was a good thing! Instead of being preoccupied with producing another of a different kind, let us do what is good. Do you want to be a good singer? Aim at something you can achieve. Desire something that you can lay hold on. Desire to be like someone who is already a great singer