READ: Matthew 27:1-10

And I said unto them, if ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So THEY WEIGHED FOR MY PRICE THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER” – Zechariah 11:12

The scripture is full of examples that use silver as a symbol of redemption. Silver speaks of salvation and redemption. Where Christians preach about salvation and redemption, the presence of God is felt. You will not feel the presence of God when you hear preaching on entrepreneurship, free enterprise and gross domestic products. The presence of God comes where redemption and salvation are prominent.

The prophet prophesied of Jesus being sold for thirty pieces of silver. His life was given for thirty pieces of silver. Prophetically, silver speaks of redemption. Silver was used to pay for Jesus’ life. In other words, silver was used to pay for all our lives. Silver is the prophetic price of redemption.

Silver was the price for Jesus to save our lives and redeem us. Salvation is the most important subject in the world today. God sent Jesus to be the Saviour of the world. He was to save us from our sins. The more we preach about this salvation the more we will experience the presence of God.

I once listened to a great man of God preaching the Word of God. I enjoyed his message and was blessed greatly. After some years, I could no longer listen to even a few minutes of this same man’s preaching. I thought to myself, “It is just one of those things.” After some time however, I found out that this man had veered off from mainline gospel preaching into other things. He even began to make a mockery of salvation, redemption and the blood of Jesus. I then understood why his preaching had lost its impact in my life. I no longer experienced the presence of God when he taught. Silver, which speaks of redemption, salvation and restoration is a key element if we want to experience the presence of God.