READ: John 5:17-30

For I have not spoken of myself; but the Fa- ther which sent me, he gave me a command- ment, what I should say, and what I should speak. – John 12:49

he Greek word allos means “an- other of the same kind”. This word is used to describe something or someone who is different but

One of the strong delusions af- fecting pastors is the delusion that, “I am something special, new and original that the world has been waiting for.”

Our aim must be to love the Lord and to do whatever He wants us to do. There is a key Scripture that can keep us all on the right track: “…but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him” (John 7:18). In all we do, our aim must be to seek the glory of Him that sent us. We should not aim to be special or unique in any way. We must desire to be an allos of Jesus.

Only the pure in heart shall see God. Why do we want to be different? Why do we want to be special? Is it not the pride of life that drives this need to be different from everyone else? I recognise that I am not different from any other minister. I am not some uniquely gifted individual whom Christ has chosen for the end-time move. Such thoughts only lead to error. I am a member of the Lord’s army. I stand among the ranks and I am glad to be another of the same kind (allos).

Do you want to be a teacher in the house of the Lord? God has been raising up teachers for many years. If God is going to give you a teaching gift, you will simply be another teacher of the same kind.