READ: Matthew 8:23-27

And, behold, there arose A GREAT TEMPEST IN THE SEA, INSOMUCH THAT THE SHIP WAS COVERED WITH THE WAVES: but he was asleep. …Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. – Matthew 8:24-26

The Sea of Galilee is well-known for drowning accidents. Indeed, even in these modern times, the Sea of Galilee is known to have four to five drowning accidents every year. Between January and August 2017, seven people had drowned in the Sea of Galilee in just seven months, with dozens of others having to be rescued.

Jesus would have died in the Sea of Galilee if He had not used His faith. He would have been drowned in that lake like many others already had. Jesus Christ suspended the laws of nature in the Sea of Galilee, which today drown four to five people every year.

Faith is a force that can suspend the laws of nature. This is why faith is important. Jesus suspended the laws of nature by His faith command. He suspended the storm and stopped the wind, the rain and the waves. Then He asked his frightened disciples where their faith was. There are many laws of nature that you may have to suspend during your life on earth. By faith you will live longer than you would have lived. Nature, genetics and the environment may have determined that you should die by a certain age. But your faith can suspend the laws of nature. Through faith, you can postpone your death. That is exactly what Jesus did! Your faith will suspend the laws of nature. Your faith will postpone your death!

This is why faith is so important. The laws of nature may not be in your favour so you need to walk by faith. Your genes may not predict a good outcome for your life. Have faith in God! Walk by faith! As you walk by faith, you will suspend all the laws of nature that are against your destiny.