Read : Galatians 6:1-10

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” – Proverbs 27:17

Aim for your followers to do well spiritually. Your desire should be for the people you lead to prosper spiritually (3 John 4).

Aim for your followers to do well financially. I have a strong desire for the people who follow me to do well financially. It is my vision that everyone who works in my organization should have his own house, more cars than they need and enough money. This vision is steadily coming to pass. A leader is someone who thinks about others. Jesus thought about the financial state of His followers. He wanted them to have houses, lands and enough money. Many people don’t know that Jesus actually promised that His followers would have these things (Mark 10:29, 30).

Aim for your followers to be physically, socially and maritally healthy (John 16:23,24). As a good leader, Jesus wanted the joy of His followers to be full. He wanted them to be happy in every aspect of their lives.

Aim for your followers to fulfil their Ministry (2 Timothy 4:5). My greatest passion is to see the ones I have raised up fulfilling their ministries. Every father wants his sons and daughters to fulfil their ministry. If you are a leader, your vision and passion is not for yourself but for the ones you lead.