READ: Matthew 24:36-51


“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh“ – Matthew 24:44


The Bible warns us that because we don’t know the day or the hour Christ will come, we must be ready all the time. The key word here is preparation and readiness. “…thus will I do unto thee,…because I will do this unto thee, PREPARE to meet thy God…” (Amos 4:12).

In Luke 12, there is the story of a man who had a successful business. He decided to build bigger barns to store his goods. In our time this would be equivalent to opening new bank accounts. When he completed his projects, he said to himself, “Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years. Take thine ease, eat,
drink and be merry .” God reacted immediately from Heaven and said, “…This night thy soul shall be required of thee.” God is showing us here that there is just a step between life and death.

I was once in a hospital ward with one of my assistant pastors when we happened to see the body of a little baby who had just died. Although it was a tiny baby who had just began to live, it died. That baby was not too young to die.

Dear Christian friend, do not put off your godly obligations because you think you are still young and there is more time. You never know when God will summon you to account for your life. “…thus will I do unto thee…Because I will do this unto thee…PREPARE to meet thy God” (Amos 4:12).