READ: Exodus 25:23-28

And thou shalt make STAVES OF SHITTIM WOOD, and overlay them with gold.” – Exodus 25: 13

Earthly things fade away quickly. Buildings fade away quickly. People fade away quickly! But the word of God endures forever! The churches that Apostle Paul built no longer exist. But the words that he wrote to Timothy are still being read today. Shittim wood speaks of being involved in long lasting ministry. Shittim wood speaks of ensuring that your ministry does not deteriorate and fade away quickly.

Shittim wood is resistant to decay and endures for a long time. You can practically invoke the presence of God by doing things that have eternal value rather than doing things that are shortlived. Many churches are short-lived. They last for a few years and are gone forever. Let us learn from our fathers who built churches that exist up till today.

If you do not build the Tabernacle according to His pattern, God will not inhabit it. God does not want you to do things that decay and deteriorate quickly. God’s presence will not inhabit decaying things.

The presence of God is found in permanent things like shittim wood.

Build a church that will last forever. Build a church with young people who can take over the church when you are gone. Build a church that has many options for its leadership. Do not build a church that depends on one man. If you are that one great man, on whom everything depends, what will happen when you are gone?