READ: John 3:16-21

THE PEOPLE WHICH SAT IN DARKNESS SAW GREAT LIGHT; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up. From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” – Matthew 4:16-17

Jesus Christ came as a light to the world. Through Jesus, the darkness that has covered the human race will be dispelled. Matthew recognized that the prophecy of Isaiah in Isaiah 9:1-2 had been fulfilled in the ministry of Jesus Christ. How did Matthew know that this great light had appeared? Only a great light could touch the lives of such great multitudes.

Human beings think that the universe revolves around them. Most people do not know God. Most human beings do not recognize the reality of the Creator. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son to die for this dark world (John 3:16). Jesus came into the world to save us (John 3:17). He came as a bright shining Light to our dark world (John 3:19).

The people who sat in darkness saw a great light! Isaiah spoke of a great light that would come to the world (Isaiah 9:1-2). This great prophecy was fulfilled in the ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is now calling on us to be a light to the world. Let your light so shine that many will know about Jesus Christ and be saved. You must attempt to be a bright and shining light to the nations of the world. The greater a light is, the more people are affected by it. When you become a great light, great multitudes will come to know God.

You must aim for great multitudes. Do not be satisfied with small numbers any more.

God has ordained that great multitudes should come to God through your ministry. You are ordained to be a great light with great multitudes following. Great multitudes are your destiny! You are destined to have multitudes follow you because you have become a great light for God!