READ: 1 Samuel 23:1-13
“Therefore David inquired of the LORD, saying, Shall I go and smite these Philistines? And the Lord answered him, and said…” – 1 Samuel 23:2,4

A common phrase in the books of Samuel is: “David inquired of the Lord”. The principle of David inquiring of the Lord for direction is one that is important for all of us today.

David defended the people of Keilah and delivered them from evil. Naturally, you would have thought that the people of Keilah would pro- tect David from King Saul’s planned attack against him. David as a matter of routine inquired of the Lord. To his surprise, the Lord told him that the people he had just saved would betray him and hand him over to Saul. Do you realize that David saved his life by this act of inquiring of the Lord? If David had not developed the habit of waiting on the Lord, he would have died as a young man.

David’s ministry would have ended years earlier if he had not used this important principle of asking the Lord for direc- tion. There are times that the Lord has shown me things that are contrary to my understanding. The ministry is a super- natural vocation. The fact that you use your mind to take de- cisions does not mean that you should not listen to the Holy Spirit.

I use my mind a lot, but I also rely on the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is leading us everyday of our lives. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14). Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and you will walk into success.