READ: Exodus 14: 10-17, 27-31

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” – Matthew 11:12

One of the primary reasons evangelism does not happen is because Christians keep to themselves. You cannot keep to yourself if you want to be an effective witness for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Begin talking to the people around you. I always try to share the Gospel with people around me. I have always believed that I have some good news about Jesus. He has saved me and set me free.

I lived in London for a period in 1983. I felt stifled by the stiff atmosphere in England because I realized that one couldn’t easily relate to the people around. Everyone seemed so unfriendly and uninterested in his or her surroundings. I was used to preaching anywhere and everywhere.

One day, while sitting on the top level of a double-decker bus, I stood to my feet, maintained my cool and delivered a complete full Gospel sermon. The bus was quiet for a few minutes as they listened to this young mad man preach. I took my seat after preaching and got off at the next stop. One gentleman, who got off the bus with me, said to me, “I admire your courage! But I don’t think you got very far.” Whether I got very far or not is not what matters. What is important is that I preached the Word, and the Word always accomplishes something when it is preached (Isaiah 55:11).

You see, any form of soul winning in our modern day and age, is going to have to be of the forceful type. Gentleness and meekness will not take you very far.