READ: Mark 6:1-6

And when the sabbath day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue: and many hearing him were astonished, saying, from whence hath this man, these things? and what wisdom is this which is given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands? is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, …” – Mark 6:2-3

You can show honour without giving something physical to the person. This type of honour is what I call honouring “without” substance. Jesus marvelled about how He was not honoured. What did His lack of honour consist of ? It consisted of the people questioning Him, not believing in Him, doubting Him and being offended at Him.

Jesus was not complaining that people were not giving him offerings! Jesus was speaking about a different kind of honour.

It is at this point that Jesus said, “A prophet is without honour in his own country.” At that material moment, Jesus was being dishonoured by the people who were listening to him preach. The people failed to believe in Him without questioning His background, His sincerity, His integrity and His calling. That was the dishonour that Jesus Christ noted on that fateful day.

When I started out in the ministry, I was questioned rigorously and relentlessly by the people who listened to me. “Who called you? How do you know you are called? Are you a real pastor? Do you have the gifts of God? Are you not a medical student? Are you not just twenty-five years old? Who ordained you? Who appointed you? Who do you think you are? You cannot even preach well! Are you sure God is pleased with you? Are you not an imposter? Are you not proud?” These are the questions that those who had no honour for me asked.

You must learn about the honour that can be ministered to a person without necessarily giving something physical. This is the honour that is not by giving money. It is important to know what honour actually is.

To honour someone is to think well of him, to hail him or to praise him. Questioning a person, suspecting a person, distrusting a person, doubting his words and disbelieving his prophecies mean you do not honour him.