READ: Exodus 40:33-38

Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work” – John 4:34

The perfect will of God is for a minister is to finish the work he has been given on the earth. God’s will is that you should finish the work He has given you.

Your death comes shortly after you finish your work. You remain on this earth only because of unfinished work that has been assigned to you.

One day, whilst waiting on the Lord I heard Him say to me, “Pray that you may finish your work.” I was shaken and I knew that it was a very important spiritual goal that I finish the work He has given to me. This is the will of God for you: that you finish the work He has given to you. Have you finished your work in your country? Have you finished your work in your church? Have you finished your work in the lives of your disciples? Make sure you finish the work you have been given to do. One day, I realised that I had trained my disciples to do many things but I had not trained them to build buildings and to do administrative work. I had done all the building and administrative work myself. I realised that they did not even understand how the church functioned administratively.

Suddenly I knew that I had not finished my work of training them. I decided to stop building things and to stop doing administrative things so that they would have the opportunity to learn this hidden, but important, aspect of the ministry