READ: John 21:15-17

For the love of Christ constraineth u s. . .” – 2 Corinthians 5:14

There are many good reasons for someone to be in fulltime ministry, but the greatest of these is love. Going into fulltime ministry with hope for eternal or earthly rewards is also a good thing. After all, you must believe that God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. However, an even greater motive is the motivation of love.

Believing and obeying a command from God is a very good motive for doing something. However, the greatest of motives is love. I realize that my reason for serving God has gradually shifted from doing things because I need to obey His calling to doing things because I love Him. And that is a major shift!

If I had to choose between three employees: one who was very qualified, one who was very experienced and one who simply loved and believed in me, I would choose the one who loved me.

Peter loved Jesus. That was the basis of all the work that he did. Jesus capitalized on Peter’s love and urged him on in the ministry. The ministry of the apostles was not for money or fame. The money lover (Judas) was kicked out at the beginning of the ministry. Paul was also constrained by his love for Christ. He was not just a hard worker trying to achieve many things at the same time. He loved the Saviour!