READ: Exodus 33:7-23

And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:” – Exodus 13:21

Follow the presence of God and you will go deeper. As you follow the presence of God, you will come to His perfect will for your life. When Abraham, Jacob, Moses and the disciples experienced the presence of God, they became famous ministers whose names can never be forgotten on this earth. Just a little contact with God’s presence will change your life forever. Notice how all these people went deeper when they experienced the presence of God. They no longer remained ordinary Christians but dived deep into the ministry and the service of the Lord.

a. Abraham experienced the presence of God when he was called (Genesis 17:1-4).
b. Jacob experienced the presence of God when he was called (Genesis 32:24-28).
c. Moses experienced the presence of God when he was called (Exodus 3:1-2).
d. Ezekiel experienced the presence of God when he was called (Ezekiel 1:1-4).
e. Jesus’ ministry began with the presence of God (Luke 3:22-23).
f. The disciples began their ministry when the presence of God came upon them (Acts 2:1-4).

Follow the presence of God! Move as the presence of God moves! Go where the presence of God is. The presence of God makes all the difference! If God’s presence is not in a huge cathedral do not waste your time going there. If God’s presence is found in a classroom you must go there. When you follow the pillar of fire, you will have light, revelation, illumination and direction for every stage of your life.