READ: Acts 5:1-16

And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks” – Acts 9:5

Paul discovered when he was struck down on the road to Damascus that it was actually the Lord (Acts 9:5) he had been persecuting all along! Some people may need some of this “Pauline” treatment in order to be cured of their interfering and blaspheming spirit. You may think that you are dealing with man, but you will find out to your surprise and embarrassment that you are actually dealing with God.

Apostle Peter had a similar experience. Peter did some fund-raising in his church, and two of his church members, Ananias and Sapphira came along with a lie about the amount of money they had pledged. This mistake cost them their lives. The cause of death was simply lying to a man representing the Holy Spirit.

A man of God told the story of a skeptic who sat in the congregation and kept thinking to himself that the preacher was a con man and a liar. The Lord opened his eyes, and he saw a huge angel assisting the man of God as he ministered, sometimes whispering instructions into his ear. This skeptic was very surprised to discover such heavenly support for this pastor he thought was a charlatan, and recounted the vision was an eye-opener for a potential blasphemer.

Listen to me, friends. Be careful what you say about men of God. You have no idea of the spiritual approval they may have from Heaven.