READ: James 4:6-10

But he giv eth more grace… giveth g race unto the humble.” – James 4:6

Amazingly, God gives grace to humble people. Grace is undeserved help and favour. When you lower yourself, God reacts by sending you grace. How nice it must be to receive undeserved help when you take the humble path of humility! Perhaps, there is no better reason to humble yourself than this. Think about all the undeserved help you could have in your life and ministry if you were to humble yourself.

Do you want God to give undeserved help to your church? Do you want God to give you undeserved help in your pastoral or evangelistic ministry? Do you want God to give you underserved help in your finances or in your moral life? What about your marriage? Do you want God to help you in your difficult relationship? Humbling yourself is the key to receiving the undeserved help that you need.

Almost every spiritual activity is aided by humility. When you humble yourself supernatural grace is given to you. Humble yourself and be a servant. Humble yourself and become a child who can be trained and instructed. Try it and see if changes do not begin to appear in your life.

Humble yourself because through that you will be lifted up to the next level in life. The lifting of the Lord and the exaltation of the Lord are the gifts you receive for being humble. When you go down, God will lift you up. You will find yourself rising out of your current level into heights you never dreamed of. Exaltation is to be gloriously lifted up into beauty and shining excellence. Humility is the key to enter these realms.