READ: Isaiah 24: 1-6

Then shall I not be ashamed, WHEN I HAVE RESPECT unto all thy commandments” – Psalm 119: 6

It is not wrong for a pastor to say or to declare that a person or a group of people are laboring under a curse! It is not wrong for a pastor to detect the presence of a curse. It is indeed the responsibility of a good minister of God to identify curses when God shows them to him.

Listen to what the prophet Malachi said to the people of Israel. He said to them, “You are cursed with a curse!” YE ARE CURSED with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Malachi 3: 9

He was not wrong in pointing out the curse. He was right in identifying that a curse was real and present. It is only when you point out a curse that it can be overcome. Do not fight the word of God! Do not deny the existence of a curse when the word of God says so. If you deny that the curse exists, how will you ever fight against it or neutralize it?

Just as the prophet Malachi spoke the truth and told the people that they were under a curse, I am also sharing with you about the presence of the curse. Do not let me become your enemy because I share with you the truth in God’s word about curses and blessings. Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Galatians 4: 16

I believe that every curse can be neutralized! I am writing this so that everyone who is open to the word of God will recognize the curse and overcome it through the wisdom of God. How can you neutralize something if you say it does not exist? Your denial of its existence is your greatest weakness!