READ: Ezekiel 27:9-17

And thou shalt make forty SOCKETS OF SILVER under the twenty boards; two sockets under one board for his two tenons, and two sockets under another board for his two tenons.” – Exodus 26:19

Silver was used extensively in the building of the Tabernacle (God’s holy residence). Silver was a precious treasure used to create a meeting place for the presence of God. Silver was used in the pillars and the sockets of the Tabernacle. Silver speaks of redemption by God. There is redemption in the presence of God.

The use of silver in the Tabernacle is a revelation of how to create an environment that God loves. You must build with silver! God will not inhabit the places that do not have silver. Silver speaks of how God redeems and utterly saves sinners. Silver speaks of how God utterly purchases people from the hands of the wicked. Without redemption, you will not have most of the people you are supposed to have in your ministry and the presence of God will not be there.

To redeem something is to buy something. “Redeem” is an old word which simply means to purchase something. You could say, “I am going to the shopping mall to redeem a few things.” What you actually mean is that, “I am going to the mall to buy a few things.” We are not worthy to be in the house of God. There had to be a serious transaction to legally import us into the church of Jesus Christ.

Through God’s active redeeming power, many, many people are added to the house of God. The many grateful people who are redeemed, create an atmosphere which brings the presence of God. Today, the church is filled with terrible sinners who know that they deserve to go to Hell. The church is filled with people who are just thankful to have their names in the Book of Life.