READ: Philippians 3:7-14

…but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind,…I PRESS toward the mark for the prize of the high calling… : – Philippians 3:13,14

Asymptom of backsliding is a lack of spiritual ambition. I have noticed that Christians who have no spiritual ambition have the tendency to grow “cold” and eventually fall away.

Paul had a vision to keep pressing on. We have all had bad and good experiences in our lifetime, but we must forget about them and press forward. Some Christians are hooked on to the past. They tell tales of the great exploits God used them to do in the past. What about the present? What is God using you to do today?

One thing that has kept me from falling away is my pursuit of spiritual achievements. You must have a spiritual heart, which will propel you to go ahead to minister to others. The
greatest blessing you can have is to become a blessing yourself.

There was a time in my life when I couldn’t preach, but I did not stay there. I knelt down before a mature Christian brother and asked him to lay hands on me so I would be able to preach. After that prayer I started preaching. I stood before little groups and began ministering to them. Maybe you also have the same problem, or you feel very shy to speak in public. Act in faith by speaking the Word with a few people, and you will be surprised at what God can do.

Many people do not wish to be great in God’s house. On the contrary, you will be surprised at the number of believers who crave to be millionaires. A Christian should have the ambition to be useful in God’s house.