READ: 2 Peter 1:2-9

…But he that lacketh these things is BLIND, and CANNOT SEE AFAR OFF, and hath FORGOTTEN that he was purged from his old sins. – 2 Peter 1:8-9

Three serious diseases afflict born again Christians. Short-sightedness, blindness and forgetfulness! After you are born again, you must avoid being diagnosed as short-sighted, blind, and forgetful.

People who are not fruitful are often short-sighted. They cannot see beyond their small family and their small city. They have not opened their eyes to see afar off.

There are many countries in this world. There are many places that need Jesus. People need the Lord! The church is filled with short-sighted men and women who do not care about what is happening behind their walls. Is that what you want to be like? Read the scripture above. Those who are barren cannot see afar off. Are you afflicted with spiritual short-sightedness?

People who are not fruitful have forgotten many things. They have forgotten that eternity is approaching. People who are not fruitful have forgotten that people do not get saved by osmosis. Unfruitful people have forgotten how someone made great efforts to get them saved. They have forgotten how people prayed for them to be converted. They have forgotten how much money was spent by others to get them saved. I hope you are not suffering from spiritual forgetfulness.

People who are not fruitful are often blind. Unfruitful people cannot see eternity. Unfruitful people cannot see heaven! They cannot see hell! They are detached from all these spiritual realities! That is why they do nothing for God. Beware of blindness! Do not just focus on our temporary world! You must have another world in view! After you are born again, you need to be fruitful otherwise you will be diagnosed as being short-sighted, forgetful or blind