READ : John 8:42-47

Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever” – Psalm 119:160

The truth will tell you where you are and where you are not! The truth will also tell you where to go. Many pastors need to start telling the truth about the size of their congregations. When you know the actual number of souls you are ministering to, you will be motivated to work harder.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32

One day, I asked my data officer to tell me how many people were in church. When he gave me the figure, I was depressed for one week. I realized that our church was very small. I had a long way to go! If you cannot tell yourself the truth, you cannot be a good leader.

Many businesses do not make any profit at all! When you add up the real costs of their operations, you discover that they are actually making a loss. If managers were honest, they would take the necessary hard decisions. That is what leadership does.

Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved?… Luke 13:23

Jesus answered and told him that there is a narrow gate and few people are entering through that gate. This was the truth. Leaders need to deal with reality. Without real figures, a Chief Executive cannot take sound financial decisions. Every leader must ensure that he has the real picture.