READ: Exodus 14:1-18

Meanwhile I’ll make sure the Egyptians keep up their stubborn chase—I’ll use Pharaoh and his entire army, his chariots and horsemen, to put my Glory on display so that the Egyptians will realize that I am GOD.” – Exodus 14:17-18 (The Message)

God decided that He was going to be respected by Pharaoh. He was going to get Pharaoh to respect him. Pharaoh did not respect the God of the Hebrews. Jehovah decided to teach Pharaoh a lesson.

Your stubbornness can be a sign of your dishonour. You are stubborn when it takes a long time for you to see and understand simple things. Pharaoh is an ultimate example of a stubborn person. He resisted God’s instructions that came through the prophet Moses. Pharaoh did not respect the God of the Hebrews. He resisted the God of Israel. His stubbornness was a profound revelation of his disrespect for God.

Stubbornness reveals resistance. When you are resistant towards somebody, you do not honour the person. Your yielding and your flow reveal your honour! Answering back and arguing reveal your dishonour and your resistance to instructions and ideas.

Silent refusal to obey and comply is also a sign of dishonour. Fighting with a robber who is trying to have sex with you reveals your utter rejection of a despicable person. Your yielding and your flow towards your husband who is trying to have sex with you reveals your honour and recognition for him. Indeed, fighting back and resisting someone reveals your rejection and your lack of respect and acknowledgment for someone.

You dishonour me when you are stubborn towards me. Disobedience is manifested as stubbornness, resistance and rejection of authority. Pharaoh is the quintessential example of a stubborn person who dishonoured God’s prophet. God’s aim was to get His respect and honour out of Pharaoh.