READ: Genesis 25:21-34

That there be no immoral or godless person like Esau, who sold his own birthright for a single meal. For you know that even afterwards, when HE DESIRED TO INHERIT THE BLESSING, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought for it with tears.” – Hebrews 12:16-17 (NASB)

The curses in your life are overturned by the release of blessings. As you receive more and more blessings, they will overturn and overpower the curses that seek to destroy you. As you induce blessings in your life, they completely overpower and overcome the curses that exist everywhere.

For this reason, it is important to desire blessings and to seek them. You must actually fight to be blessed! You must seek to induce all kinds of blessings into your life.

The best example of someone who valued blessings and sought after them was Jacob. The fight between Jacob and Esau was a fight over blessings. I have never heard of Christians fighting over blessings pronounced by their father. I have heard of people fighting over inheritance and property, but not over the pronouncement of blessings. Unfortunately, Esau like many unspiritual people did not value his birthright or his spiritual blessings.

The Bible describes him as a profane person. The word “profane” is translated from the Greek word “bebelos”. “Bebelos” means an irreligious person who despises sacred things. Anyone who despises sacred things will despise blessings! Esau despised the blessings that were rightfully his and ended up as a struggler.

If you are not spiritual, you will despise the concept of receiving blessings. Jacob happily received the blessing that Esau despised. These blessings overwhelmed the curses on the earth that affected everyone. This is going to be the effect of powerful blessings on your life. These blessings will completely overpower, overcome and overturn whatever curse is working in your life.