READ: Malachi 3:7-12

And Iwill rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground … saith the Lord of hosts” – Malachi 3:11

Have you ever wondered why people get bigger and fatter in their middle ages? Often they are not eating more. In fact, many middle aged people go on diets to lose weight and still put on weight. What is the reason for the increase in weight? As people get older, their metabolism slows down. In other words the fire that burns up the fat slows down. If the metabolic fire in the body was consuming ten units of fat every day, it may drop to five units.

Suddenly, you would start to have an increase of an extra five units of fat available every day. With almost no effort, you put on weight and become broader and wider. That is why you can know someone’s age by his or her size. As you get older your metabolism drops, (the devourer is rebuked) and the weight gain (prosperity) occurs.

Indeed, non-tithers become poorer because of the presence of unchecked devourers in their lives. Tithers become richer as the devourers are rebuked. God promises tithers in Malachi 3:10-11 that He will rebuke the devourer or the waster.

Do not say that tithing is under the Law. Tithing was before the Law, during the Law and after the Law! True maturity comes from taking in the whole Bible and believing every Scripture in its right context.

Our feet stand on solid ground when one foot is in the Old Testament and the other in the New Testament! The Old Testament is the basis for the new.