READ: Daniel 5

…Daniel was clothed in purple, a gold chain was placed around his neck, and he was proclaimed the third highest ruler in the kingdom” – Daniel 5:29, NIV

There are three keys for relating to kings and other important people. They are:

1. The key of being truthful and honest.

2. The key of being yourself and being real.

3. The key of respecting and honouring kings.

Daniel used these three keys to gain favour. Many people do the exact opposite of the three keys above, get demoted and get thrown out of favour. It is so sad to see people violate these keys over and over again. Instead of being real, honest and speaking the truth, people try to flatter important people. A clever king will see through flattery.

To flatter someone is “to praise the person somewhat dishonestly”. To flatter someone is to play upon his vanity and susceptibility. A clever king will soon see through it all and, instead of getting promoted you will be done away with as a dishonest and dangerous courtier.

Belshazzar was the proud son of Nebuchadnezzar. His father had suffered a serious mental illness as a result of pride. This mental illness, lycanthropy, (from the Greek word lukos, wolf and anthropos, man because the person imagines himself to be a wolf, a bear or some other animal) had not taught Belshazzar to be humble. Instead, he also lifted himself up against the Most High God.

Speaking the truth respectfully to the king did not lead to Daniel’s destruction. It rather led to his promotion.