READ: Esther 2:7-17

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.” – Proverbs 31:30

Everyone God has made is beautiful. But this beauty can be enhanced by several factors. Beauty depends on your hair, your clothing, your make-up, and even the time of day.

As a Christian brother looking for a beautiful wife, you must remember that the beauty of that lady can increase or decrease depending on certain things: her dressing and hairstyle, for instance. Even the happiness of the lady affects her looks! Pimples are often caused by emotional disturbance.

Many young men become confused about the looks of their fiancée/beloved. They oscillate in their feelings towards her. What is happening here is that they are confused by the apparent variations in beauty. If all that you are looking for in a woman is physical beauty, you are likely to be confused.

Years after the wedding, Christian wives and husbands must still look attractive. The Christian wife should not use pregnancy and babies as an excuse for being careless about her looks. I want to tell all women to make every attempt to dress nicely. Beauty is very variable.

If you are a wise husband, invest in your wife’s clothes. Do whatever you have to do to make her look even more beautiful. If you do so, you will reap great dividends. Beauty depends on many factors, so invest in those factors. Some of you husbands do not even care what your wives look like! However, you admire other people’s wives on television. What a shame!