READ: James 3:13-18

For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints” – 1 Corinthians 14:33

One of the hallmarks of a wolf attack is confusion. Confusion is a situation of panic in which there is a breakdown of order. Confusion is the state of being bewildered or unclear in one’s mind about something.

Confusion is caused by lingering accusations. One day, a close associate of mine decided to break away and start his own church. It was a surprise to us because no one had done anything like that before. After he left, there was confusion in my camp. Even though I had had issues with him, I had not publicly said anything negative about him before. No one knew that there were questions and problems with this person. He was now saying lots of negative things and stirring up questions and confusion in the minds of the people.

I suddenly realized that I was surrounded by people who were not sure whether I was a good person or a bad person. Was I an evil man posing as a pastor? Were the dastardly accusations and rumours about me true? I could see through the eyes of the people around me. I knew they were not sure anymore. It took more than a year before the confusion of that attack left us. Indeed, God is not the author of confusion and I had to battle my way out of the confused and bewildered atmosphere caused by this “departee” pastor.

Fight confusion with the Word of God. You can help people overcome their confusion by washing away the uncertainty with the Word of God. Teach them about loyalty and disloyalty and save them from confusion.