Read : Matthew 21:33-39

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” – Matthew 11:29

Jesus told a parable about a certain noble man who made a vineyard for some people and when he wanted fruit from his vineyard, he could not get any. His people were all beaten and sent away.

This is what happens in the church. When God sends people into our lives, we cannot receive from them because we are not able to humble ourselves. It is only because Jesus humbled Himself before John the Baptist that God anointed Him. That was the hour that the Holy Ghost descended. That was the anointing.

The absence of humility is the reason that many of us are not blessed. We’re expecting somebody to come from somewhere to be a blessing to us. We must humble ourselves to receive from the people that God sends to us. If you need electricity in your home, you do not have to go to the dam to tap from the source. People will think you are mad.

That’s what the Lord is asking you. Is there no pastor in your church? Is there no man of God in your land? Why do you want to come to me directly for the anointing? The anointing is right there. The socket is right here. Connect and receive your blessing! I see you becoming connected to power!

God is sending you power. He’s sending you something higher than electric power. Humble yourself and receive it. God will raise you up and bless you in the ministry. He will bless you in life when you learn to humble yourself.