READ: Proverbs 24:30-34

He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread: but he that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough. – Proverbs 28:19

There are many reasons why rich people do not feel sorry for poor people. If rich people felt sorry for poor people they would give more money and try to help in many more ways. Over time, rich people have discovered that poor people do have a lot of resources and opportunities but waste them and do not use them wisely! Many rich people have resigned from trying to help poor people. Why is that?

1. Rich people do not feel sorry for poor people because many poor people do not use their good seasons well. In the season of fat cows they did not invest properly. It is sad to see poor people who once had great opportunities and earned lots of money. Somehow, they did not use the good season properly and it passed before they could say, “Jack Robinson!” I know a country that had lots of cocoa, timber, gold and diamonds. These things had been harvested for years but had amounted to nothing for this country. This is why rich people do not feel sorry for poor people because they know that the poor people have misused their opportunities and wasted their resources. The good season when there were abundant forests and the mines were filled with gold and diamonds is past and that nation has no roads, no water and no electricity!

2. Rich people do not feel sorry for poor people because poor people seem to want bad leaders to perpetuate their disorganisation and confusion. Indeed, good leaders are rarely chosen by the poor masses. Real leaders are often rejected as being harsh and difficult. Politics, good looks and good speeches may win an election. But
politics, good looks and good speeches do not bring organisation and development. Hard leadership is what brings development and prosperity. Strong hard leadership in Singapore made that nation one of the richest in the world.