READ: Deuteronomy 11:26-28

Nevertheless the LORD thy God would not hearken unto Balaam; but the LORD thy God turned the curse into a blessing unto thee, because the LORD thy God loved thee.” – Deuteronomy 23:5

There are many things that you can do to obtain a blessing. Instead of doing things to obtain riches, do things that lead to blessings. Spend time and money on things that are specifically mentioned as things that generate blessings. The secret is clear: aim for blessings because the blessing of the Lord will make you rich any way.

Our fathers and ancestors have already done things that have brought curses on us. It is time to do things that will invoke blessings. All through the Bible, we learn about things that actively stir up blessings and cause blessings to come upon our lives.

When blessings have operated in your life for some time, they begin to outweigh the curses that may be in operation. It is very easy to invoke a curse. There are curses everywhere. A curse is a frustration, a difficulty and a dark place to be in. Nothing works when a curse is in operation. One of the ways to neutralize curses is to invoke blessings. Labour not to be rich! Rather, labour for a blessing!

A blessed man is someone who has received blessings for so long that he has become a blessed person. The blessings in his life outweigh the active curses and the summation of his life is “blessed”.

You must labour to become a blessed person. Blessed is the man that fears the Lord (Psalms 112:1). When you fear the Lord you become a blessed person. May you be a truly blessed person! May you live in such a way that all men will point to you and say, “You are blessed!”