READ: Luke 14:16-24

And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” – Luke 14:23

This story shows how a certain man made a great supper but those nearby would not come. This man humbled himself and invited people from the streets, the highways and the hedges. He went beyond his normal circles of life and used the principle of Anagkazo to achieve a great thing for God. Anagkazo means to compel, to necessitate, to drive, force and to use all means available to bring people to Christ. Without Anagkazo, you cannot achieve great things for God.

It is not easy to give out many invitations. It is much easier to invite a few people. Without many invitations you will have a small feast. God has called us to do great things. We must aim to organise greater churches, greater crusades and greater Christian events by inviting many people. Sending out many invitations to many people is the number one challenge for someone who wants to do great things. Learn how to turn your church into an inviting machine. Make your members into great inviters of people.

The man who made the great supper encountered the three common excuses for not serving God: Work, Wealth and Wife. These three reasons prevent most people who are invited from coming to the Lord. William Carey, the great missionary to India, overcame all these excuses in order to make a great supper for the people of India. Overcoming excuses is an art in itself, and without the ability to overcome the excuses that human beings give, you will never achieve great things for God.

Jesus has sent us out to witness for Him. Witnessing to the whole world is something we must attempt to do. We cannot sit down and do nothing! We must do great things for Jesus. We must attempt to bring many people to Jesus. We must attempt to win the lost at any cost!