READ: Genesis 50:15-21

And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the place of God? But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. – Genesis 50:19-20

Joseph was a “darling boy” to his father. Joseph’s “darling boy” status generated so much jealousy from his brothers. In the end, all things worked together for good and he became the prime minister of Egypt.

Thinking about others is the key to having a fulfilled life. Your life will be far richer because you think about “others”. Almost everyone who became famous did so because they thought about others. Joseph was no exception to this rule. Joseph was chosen to become the famous redeemer of his wicked brothers and the entire nation of Israel because he would think of “others”. He could have said to himself, “God has vindicated me and made me the great prime minister of Egypt.” He could have said, “God has punished my brothers for their wickedness.” But God showed him that his “darling boy” status, his deliverance from slavery and prison and his promotion were actually not for him, but for others. It was all about other Israelite children being saved from the famine.

It is important to think that your blessings and prosperity are given because of “others”. Joseph was having a good time in the palace of the king of Egypt. He was living in the palace and he had a good job as the Number Two in the nation of Egypt. Most people would be happy to live on peacefully, thanking God that they had attained such a high position in a foreign land. But Joseph had a different mind. He thought about “others”. He said, “God has raised me up to save much people alive.”

Do you know why God has raised you up? Do you know why God has given you a good position? Do you know why God has given you money? Be like Joseph! Always remember that God has raised you up because of “others”!