READ: Proverbs 7:24

My son, ATTEND TO MY WORDS; incline thine ear unto my sayings.” – Proverbs 4:20

Your addiction to a person’s words reveals the honour you have for the person. Your addiction to the words of Jesus reveal the honour you have for Jesus. Your addiction to a person’s messages reveals the honour and respect you have for his words. Those who do not listen to the preaching messages are the ones who do not respect the message.

Paying attention to someone’s words or advice is the evidence that you honour him. Whom you listen to, whom you follow and whose words you attend to is a sign of the person you really honour.

I once advised a brother to play golf for his health and for a host of other good reasons. However, he did not take my advice seriously and never played golf. One day however, I met this brother playing golf and I was amazed that he had taken up this sport that he had had so many reasons not to engage in.

At a later discussion, I found out that he had been reading a book by Lee Kuan Yew. Lee Kuan Yew was the famous founder of Singapore and was a golfer. This brother was apparently more impressed with the advice from Lee Kuan Yew than the advice I gave him about the need to play golf. He was much more willing to comply with the advice coming from Lee Kuan Yew than from me.

I noticed how he paid more attention to the words of Lee Kuan Yew than to my words. The one you pay attention to is the one you honour. Whose words do you pay attention to? Whose advice do you pay attention to?