READ: John 8:42-49

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” – John 8:44

The easiest way to identify symptoms of demonic activity is to use the names and titles given to the devil in the Bible. You must watch out for occurrences that bring any of the names of satan to your mind. Names and titles are often given to describe a person. For instance, if someone is called the “king of Pop music” it reveals a lot about what he actually does. You can expect him to be found where pop music is found. You can also expect to see him anywhere pop music is being played. If someone is called the “king of Reggae music”, you can expect to see him or his associates wherever reggae music is being played. You can expect to find his influence anywhere reggae music is being played.

Satan has many names. Each of the names of satan describes a particular kind of activity. Each of the names of satan shows you the symptoms and patterns that will be created by demonic presence. A minister of the gospel must watch out for occurrences that bring any of the names of satan to mind. By knowing the names of satan, you will become conscious of any activity which points to him.

Devils are like mice and rats. They live amongst us. They eat our food. They destroy our property and they make us feel uncomfortable. But they constantly run away into darkness and hide from us. It is, however, possible to detect their presence by the tell-tale signs they leave behind.

There is no need to make mistakes when you are trying to locate devils. There are clear symptoms and signs you must know if you are to detect the presence of devils.