READ: Mark 5:25-34

When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and TOUCHED HIS GARMENT. For she said, if I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. :- Mark 5:27-28

Faith is an unstoppable force through which you overcome difficulties and problems of your life. Through faith, the greatest mountain can be removed from your life. The woman with the issue of blood heard about Jesus Christ. Faith comes by hearing. Her faith greatly increased when she heard about Jesus.

The power of God was in Jesus Christ as He walked through the crowd. He was filled with the power that created the universe. He was walking in the midst of many sick people. Many people had problems that needed solutions. Many people needed help but they did not stir up the gift of God in Jesus because they did not have the keys that the woman with the issue of blood had. The woman with the issue of blood had the key of faith that comes by hearing.

Faith is a mighty force, an unstoppable force that is used to subdue kingdoms, shut the mouth of lions and to quench violence of fire. When this woman tried the unstoppable power of faith, which comes by hearing, she stirred the power of God.

Faith has two components: what you believe in your heart and what you say with your mouth. With the heart man believeth and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Romans10:10). This woman of faith had heard about Jesus and believed in Him. Then she made a confession with her mouth that brought her healing. She said, “If I touch the hem of His garment I shall be made whole” (Mark 5:28).

Today, stir up the power of God and the gift of God by exercising faith.