READ: Daniel 1:17-20, 2 Chronicles 2:7-8, 1 Kings 5:5-7

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of SKILL; but time and chance happeneth to them all.” – Ecclesiastes 9:11

Skill is one of the factors responsible for the success of any endeavour. It governs and controls life on this earth.

Skill determines who is chosen. The elevation of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego was because of their skill.

Skill determines whether you will be ten times better or not. Skill is the master key to becoming ten times better as a minister or a pastor. Ten times better is a higher version of ministry. The skill of preaching, the skill of singing and the skill of playing instruments will determine a lot of things about your life. Your skill of personally being able to help will also determine things for you.

Skill determines whether you will build a house or not. Skill is the master key to building. Failure to build reveals the lack of practical skills. Impractical men build nothing! Building projects do not come on because impractical “armchair leaders” are in charge of things.

Skill is determined by humility and determination to learn something new. Skill is something that requires humility. The humility of associating with another who is better than you in order to learn from him. Without that humility you can never acquire the necessary skills. Without such humility you will never be as wise as Solomon.

Skill is one of the determinants that move your life forward. To ignore skill is to ignore one of the factors identified by Solomon that control life on this earth.