READ: Numbers 11:1-15

We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlick” – Numbers 11:5

After this, the Lord took the children of Israel through the Red Sea. He gave them a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day. Yet all these did not register in the hearts of the Israelites. They turned against Moses at the first opportunity. They murmured against the Most High and provoked Him to the uttermost. Through this attitude, the children of Israel generated a frenzied crowd of fearful people. Panic whipped through the congregation and no one believed in Moses any longer.

Forgetting the great things God had done, led to the historic failure of God’s people entering the Promised Land.

Because murmuring emanates from an evil spirit, there is a point at which it does not even make sense. It is a repeated act of rebellion against a person. It is anointed from Hell and fully controlled by an evil being. Avoid people who murmur as if you are avoiding the plague.

The complaints of the children of Israel, if analyzed, look almost like the senseless gibberish of a crazed monkey. What else would a slave desire more than freedom from slavery? Yet, this benefit seemed not to register in their memory. Notice how irrational and ridiculous these grumblings were: they complained about not having garlic! Don’t you think any normal present-day prisoner would exchange some garlic for his freedom? Every prisoner in the world would accept a deal to never eat garlic again until he dies, if he is freed. Yet these were some of the ludicrous complaints of God’s people.