READ: Acts 10:36-39

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to…set at liberty them that are bruised, ” – Luke 4:18

When Jesus got to Jairus’ house, the place was filled with people who were crying. You may be in anguish but Jesus is asking you, “Why are you crying?” I want to announce to you that there is hope because of Jesus. He is saying to you today, “Don’t be afraid; only believe.” He will turn your night into day. He will turn your darkness into light.

Perhaps, you are dying but I want you to know that you will come into contact with the power of Jesus. Maybe your daughter or son is not well; but I want you to know that Jesus is alive with the power of the Holy Ghost. The power of Jesus is entering into you now. He is the Lord that healeth thee.

Wherever you are, the Holy Spirit is present with you. Receive your miracle! Place your hand where you have pain. Place your hand on the disease. The power of God will fall upon you like heat, and like the wind. You will feel like the power of electricity passing through you. You will feel the touch of God. The power of the Spirit is with you right now. Sometimes, you may not feel anything but you will notice that the power of God has healed you in the name of Jesus.

Receive strength. God is lifting you up. God is touching you and healing you because He is the Lord that healeth thee. You may be in hospital. Receive your healing. Rise up in the name of Jesus! You will not remain in the hospital! You will not remain in that stretcher or wheelchair! God is healing you.