READ: Ruth 2:1-23

And I will give this people favour in the sight of the Egyptians: and it shall come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall not go empty:” – Exodus 3:21

The Egyptians who had laboured for riches handed them over to the Israelites who were favoured and they walked away with the wealth of Egypt. When God favours you, people will hand over their riches to you whom God has favoured.

Ruth found favour with Boaz and received a job and a husband. You will never lack a husband or a job from now onwards! Favour is given to you and people will choose you! Why labour for riches when you can labour to be favoured?

Joseph found favour in Egypt and this made him a national hero and a governor: Acts 7:9-10. You will receive high-up positions as God favours you. Why labour for riches when you can labour to be favoured?

Daniel was favoured and received exemptions and privileges in his job: Daniel 1:8-9. You will receive exemptions and privileges in the day that you have favour. Daniel and his friends received favour, which gave them a better life and a better job.

David was favoured and he got a job in the king’s palace: 1 Samuel 16:20-22. The king just loved him and chose him to be his personal assistant. Favour is what causes you to become a national hero or a darling boy. Labour to be favoured!

Mary received favour, became the mother of God, and perhaps the most honoured woman of all time: Luke 1:28. This great choosing and selection comes only from the power of God. The favour of God is a unique blessing that falls on those whom God chooses.