READ : 1 Kings 5:1-5; 6:37-7:1

…The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build…” – Nehemiah 2:20

There are two types of people in the world, builders and users. Builders erect and construct things in their lifetime. Users simply enjoy the facilities that have been created by others. Solomon built both the temple and his own house.

There are two types of governments: building governments and user governments. Some governments build nothing. They just use what others have built. There are two types of pastors: building pastors and user pastors. Building pastors build church buildings, schools, hospitals, etc. User pastors just preach to their congregations without building any chapels for the ministry.

Buildings make a person or ministry more substantial, so our church has invested in many church buildings and properties. I want you to be an accumulator of true wealth through buildings. You may live for many years and need the accumulated wealth of your better years! A wise person sacrifices to build something! It is not easy to build. It takes sacrifice and commitment. That is why many people do not build or own anything, although they could afford to.

Let your first project be a house or an apartment. Many people who have taken my advice on this subject have thanked me profusely after completing their buildings. I see you building a house in your lifetime! I see you rising from being a user to becoming a builder!