READ: Acts 9:1-23

Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecuter, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief” – 1 Timothy 1:13

Most Christians feel that the devil’s best weapon is to work through occultism, witchcraft and voodoo. I agree that these things are weapons in the devil’s arsenal.

But what people must realize is that the strongest campaign of Satan is in the area of deception. If Satan can deceive you, he will destroy you! Satan makes many people believe that they are fighting a man of God in the name of justice and truth. However, they soon discover with great pain, that they are doing nothing but kicking their feet against nails and thorns.

This is what Paul discovered when he fought against the church and supervised the elimination of one of its leaders, Stephen. Saul was a man with a good conscience. He earnestly thought that he was eliminating troublemakers from the peaceful city of Jerusalem. In his fight for righteousness, he sought to wipe out elements that he thought were harmful to society.

There are many people who think they are on a holy war to expose false preachers and ministries. Like Saul, they think they have a divine mandate to let everyone know the truth about the hypocrites in the pulpits. The apostle Paul was so surprised to find out that he was actually fighting against Christ.

Paul claimed later on that he had received mercy from God because he did not know what he was doing