READ: Matthew 4:17-25

“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. “ – Matthew 11:29

Even though God has touched our lives and given us the promise of Heaven, there is work to be done on earth. There are things to accomplish for God. God expects us to respond to His great love by giving ourselves to His work.

When we come to Jesus, He takes away our burden of sin and darkness and gives us His burden. “ What is the burden of Christ? It is the burden of the lost souls of this world.

It is amazing that most Christians live out their lives without realizing that the reason for their being alive is so that they can do something for God. They are not alive so that they can build houses and acquire the good things of this world. They are not alive so that they can acquire more money and lay up treasures in this world. We have only one reason to be alive, and that is to serve the Saviour who gave up everything for us. It is a sad reality that much of the teaching in the body of Christ leads Christians away from their true purpose for being alive.

“Let’s think about our God, our Saviour and our King. The One who gave it all. He gave up everything… So we could be His friends.” I know that we rarely think about our Saviour and our King. We rarely think about the One who gave it all. That is why we rarely give up everything. That is why we are so barren and so fruitless in the kingdom.