READ: Genesis 3:1-10, 22-24

When he has brought his own sheep outside, he walks on before them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice.” – John 10:4 (AMP)

When Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden, they would no longer sense God’s presence and they would no longer hear His voice in the cool of the day. They still had some kind of dominion over the earth. They still had the gift of life, but God’s presence was no longer with them. The voice of God was heard in the Garden of Eden because the presence of God was there. The voice of a person shows his presence; the voice of God shows His presence.

When God is with you, you hear His voice. Hearing His voice must be your great desire because it is the sign of His presence in your life. When you hear His voice in the morning, it is a sign of His presence with you. When you hear His voice in church, it is a sign of His presence in the church.

When your father is at home, you will hear his voice. He may call for someone. He may shout your name. He may send you to do something. He may give his advice, whether it is wanted or not. He may talk endlessly about things that you do not think are important. But that is the evidence of his presence and his existence!

You may have the gift of God working in your life. You may be able to preach and teach, but it may have been a long time since you heard His voice. Seek His presence and you will hear his voice. God is speaking all the time. He wants to have fellowship with you